The growing volume of unorganized corporate content and the velocity with which information is created and acquired in an ever-increasing number of repositories is putting many organizations at risk.  An efficient and affordable solution for this situation was long overdue.  Cogniva now is offering an innovative risk based legacy content clean-up classification and migration service.  With 15 years+ of experience in the field of semantic AI-based automatic classification, we have joined together experts form our Artificial Intelligence and Information Architecture practices with representatives from our extensive academic and research community to develop a leading-edge risk-based approach built on a solid technical and IM foundation. 

Cogniva’s team of experts can work with almost any content platform to allow your organization to fully exploit the power of its information and to resolve the legacy content management problem once and for all.  Our range of services span from providing expert advice on finding the approach that best fits your organization to a full turnkey content cleanup solution requiring minimum involvement from your staff.